
These words are the property of clever people. I'm just trying to put them in order.

Tag: diy

Sealing a bath

I learned to seal a bath today

I watched the very best

I turned to the counsel of YouTube

And so far it’s passed the test.

I made sure the bath was nice and dry

And then I clapped my hands

‘Argh, Argh, Argh!’ I said to the sky

And the shower helped finish my plans.

It filled up the bath,

I rolled around,

And balanced a ball on my nose,

If you need help with your bath

I can say with confidence

‘That seal on YouTube knows’.

Alarm Clock Shock

If in the morning, there’s lightning,

My alarm clock becomes rather frightening,

It jumps from the stand,

And declares ‘I’m a man!’

The screws on the table need tightening.